Filed under: Celebrity Gossip
The CCTV footage from Kamofie & Co was aired on US channel Entertainment Tonight on Monday and shows Lindsay trying on the $2,500 necklace.
Former deputy district attorney Marcia Clark appeared as an expert on Entertainment Tonight and described Lindsay's behaviour within the shop as that of a "typical shoplifter".
But yesterday Lindsay's mum Dina revealed that the family are considering taking the LA store to court, particularly in view of the fact that the store reportedly made $35,000 from the sale of the video.
"Once again, celebrities are faced with the possibilities of their normal daily activity being filmed and sold without their knowledge and their consent, and our family is looking into formal legal action," she told RadarOnline.
Her lawyer Stephanie Ovadia added: "We are looking into the unauthorised use of an image, invasion of privacy, unjust enrichment, and other possible legal avenues."
What do you think? Will Lindsay escape jail? Leave your comments below...
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Thanks to Lindsay Lohan, we now know all about SCRAM bracelets but if you're confused by the latest showbiz talk, check out our celebrity dictionary for a catch up...
The Celebrity Dictionary
What does that mean?
It doesn't take a genius to work out that the word is a clever combination of "sex" and "texting".
Who is responsible?
It's hard to pin it down exactly when it first emerged into the public consciousness - but the name that jumps to mind is Ashley Cole. He screwed-up his marriage by sending rude pics of himself to blondes - who then showed them to tabloid reporters.
Anybody else?
Oh yes. Vernon Kay, Jason Manford and Tiger Woods have all been at it as well - and we only get to hear about the married ones!
Has it caught on?
Yes, because let's face it - celebs aren't going to be the only ones using technology for sexy purposes. You might even be sexting as you read this for all we know.
What does that mean?
You really don't know? Or are you just trying to get us to say? Alright then, it refers to the decoration of one's ladygarden with Swarovski crystals.
Who is responsible?
The practice came to general attention via an interview Jennifer Love Hewitt gave on US telly, where she said it "shined like a disco ball".
Has it caught on?
It looked like it was going to die out, but then came The Only Way is Essex and Amy Childs and suddenly it's back, back, BACK!
What does it mean?
It's a pun on Justin Bieber and "believers".
Who is repsonsible?
Who else but Canadian pop moppet Justin Bieber? The term was invented by his religiously devoted fans.
Any related terms?
Almost all "Beliebers" will have contracted a severe case of "Bieber fever" in the past.
Has the word caught on?
Definitely, but you know what they say about today's newspapers being tomorrow's chip wrappers. We're unclear on how that relates to showbiz websites though.
What does it mean?
The term combines "faux" (as in fake) and "romance" - and is related to the kind of "showmance" intended primarily for public consumption rather than personal gratification.
Who is repsonsible?
The first time we heard it was referring to Celebrity Big Brother winner Chantelle and fellow housemate Preston.
Any other examples?
How long have you got? Pete and Nikki from BB, Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler, Chezza and Dezza, Peter Andre and anyone...
Has it caught on?
Yep, the phenomenon is definitely on the increase and we're not going to stop using the term anytime soon!
What does that stand for?
Have you been living in a cave since the 1990s? It stands for "gay best friend", or sometimes "gay boyfriend".
Who is responsible?
Like a lot of these terms, it came from across the pond - in this case via Sex and the City character Carrie Bradshaw and her GBF Stanford Blatch.
Has it caught on?
Yes, the GBF is now a more highly valued fashion accessory than a Hermes scarf or a pair of Manolo Blahniks. Come to think of it, SATC has got a lot more to answer for as well...
What does it mean
Perhaps related to, but not to be confused with, GBF - BFF stands for "best friends forever".
Who is responsible?
It was probably originated by some uncredited valley girl in California, but we first heard the term when Paris Hilton launched her My New BFF show in 2008. She actually did two series of the show, presumably seeing no contradiction in having two separate BFFs.
Has it caught on?
It was very popular for a while, albeit mainly with showbiz journalists and ironic twentysomethings - but seems to have died off a bit lately.
What does that mean?
We're sure you've probably worked this out yourself, but it's a combination of Glee and geek - and refers to the more fanatical members of the hit TV show's fanbase.
Is it an insult then?
Not at all, fans are happy to refer to themselves as Gleeks - and do funny hand symbols as in this picture.
Has it caught on?
Oh yes, the show was a smash from the very start but still keeps getting bigger and bigger - and so the army of Gleeks keeps growing too.
What does it mean?
It's a clever device which attaches to the wrist or ankle of a person on probation to detect whether they have a drink. Scram stands for Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitoring.
How did we hear of it?
You may remember one or two stories about a certain Ms Lindsay Lohan last year?
Has it caught on?
The technology is sure to become more widely used, so expect to be hearing about the devices both in the news and at your local magistrates' court.
What does it mean?
It seems to cover a multitude of sins - from drinking, drugs and sex to eating jelly and ice cream and then going on a bouncy castle, probably.
Who was responsible?
The word has been used as an adjective at least since the early '80s and has been applied to a series of famous faces - such as notorious party man Charlie Sheen.
Has it caught on?
In the last few years we have definitely heard more Brits using it in reference to their own activities. Eg. "I was partying with Tasha in Tipton on Friday night".
What does it mean?
It's like a boy band, but with men.
Who was responsible?
Take That's renaissance brought the term into commen usage, with Gary and the boys being joined by Boyzone and Duran Duran among others (let's just forget about East 17 shall we?).
Has it caught on?
Yep, they are probably more man bands than boy bands at the moment - or they're definitely selling more records anyway!
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