Filed under: Celebrity Gossip
No sooner has he joined up to Twitter than he's making a splash with what must be the sweariest rant we've ever seen from a celeb - or anyone at all to be honest - on the social networking site.
The star was responding to a feature in The Guardian poking fun at his struggle to get to grips with the site after signing up at the start of the month.
He warmed up by saying "f*** the journos who are trying to kill the record", before explaining: "What makes me laugh is that after 30 yrs they still act as if it's newsworthy that I don't sell to kids/ the singles market the way I did
"Face it paps, hackers and haters...the album will sell great, the tour will sell out in hours.... So keep swinging at's quite fun that you still love to hate me!!"
George then declared that he thought the Guardian article was "quite funny", before really cutting loose.
He tweeted: "Apparently if I swear more I'll get more followers, but I just refuse point blank to f***ing do that...:)
"I mean f*** that, why the f*** would I look for trouble by swearing on a f***ing public site....shame on you all at the f***ing Guardian.
"You utter c*** p*** b***ards."
He then revealed that he was just "having fun" rather than having a meltdown, but got all excited again when he saw his followers rising rapidly.
He tweeted: "How Shocking, it F***ING WORKS!! A thousand new followers in a couple of minutes....
"What a world we live in.........( f***ing excellent, heh heh ;)"
And with that he returned to "work".
Check out the unexpurgated version on his Twitter feed (warning, contains no asterisks).
George displayed his comedy talents last week too, with an amusing dig at old pal Elton.
What do you reckon? Is George's rant funny or childish? Comment below, and no swearing please...
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Check out our guide to the best and worst celebs on Twitter...
Celebs on Twitter
Twitter ID:
Good, bad or mad?
Definitely good. Chatty Man Alan is one of the most consistently funny celebs on our Twitter feed. And most importantly, he knows that less is more.
Sample tweet:
Companies - don't be sh***y then when i ring up to complain get all giggly and say is that THE Alan Carr. Be sh***y 24/7 please!!
Twitter IDs:
aplusk and mrskutcher
Good, bad or mad?
Bad. Unless you enjoy trite, self-satisfied celebrity musings on life, politics and spirituality. They're as bad as each other so we're only giving them one entry here.
Sample tweet:
This is powerful - by remaining accountable 4 are actions we become masters of are own destiny- your happiness is in your hands
Twitter ID:
Good, bad or mad?
Good. The lanky Scottish dance music producer comes across more like a funny mate than a celeb - and always interacts with his followers.
Sample tweet:
Can somebody please think of a joke with the punchline 'because William Shatner' ? -been trying for last 2 hours + given up
Twitter ID:
Good, bad or mad?
Mad as a lorry. The winningest warlock in showbizland gained two million followers in a day or two when he joined - and hasn't disappointed with a series of inspired and deranged tweets. We think he's swapped crack for Twitter addiction.
Sample tweet:
the title of my book has finally been delivered thru vast and extensive Lunar channels. "Apocalypse Me" Warlock Latin for WINNING. c
Twitter ID:
Good, Bad or mad?
Good. You might be surprised that we're fans of Cher, but she always keeps it real on her Twitter and has a nice sense of fun.
Sample tweet:
keep chuckin those gypsy comments in, i'll tarmac ya drive and trim ya hedges for ya if ya like? No shame in me :L
Twitter ID:
Good, bad or mad?
Good. She mostly tweets to ask for parenting advice or stoke her feud with Natalie Cassidy - but that's fine by us because we can tell she really loves Twitter.
Sample tweet:
the Karvol plug in is working wonders. I'm high as a kite! No blockages in this house tonight
Twitter ID: 50cent
Good, bad or mad?
Very bad. When he first hit Twitter we thought he was hilarious, then we realised he wasn't really putting on the angry gangsta act - and that he's actually a bit of a dick.
Sample tweet:
ok no homo is officially banded from my time line. If you choose a alternative life style that's your business. Sh*t I'm a PIMP lol
Good, bad or mad?
Good. We like Gok because he's funny, sefl-depreciating and takes the time to answer his followers.
Sample tweet:
Why is it when you need a wee you always hit roadworks? My driver is getting nervous as I've just asked him if he has an empty bottle! X
Twitter ID:
Good, bad or mad?
Absolutely barking mad. Really. We really should un-follow them because they spout such a huge amount of nonsense - but there's something strangely compelling about their ramblings.
Sample tweet:
We are taking over the world ha ha ha ha not really just holding it like a bubble and then we will burst it and make a stronger cool bubble
Twitter ID:
Good, bad or mad?
All three. Sometimes he can be smart and funny, sometimes he can be a berk and sometimes we have no idea what he's on about.
Sample tweet:
Dude from Muse just gave a shout out to "His Beautiful Pregnant Girlfriend" sounds like a good album title!
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